Helpful Information
Most of our trips involve spending time in the bush (think camping - sort of).
Some of our trips involve staying in the city.
A typical trip lasts 12 days. 2 days - Thursday and Friday - in transit to Zambia, 9 days in country, and one day - Monday - return home.
Ladies must travel with a female companion or spouse.
Cost of the trip is typically $3500 - taking into account changing airfares. The cost includes all lodging - based on double occupancy, meals, ground transportation, ministry supplies, materials, and equipment.
If You Are Interested…
…complete an interest form and someone will contact you.
Ministry Opportunities
Vacation Bible School
Sports Evangelism
“Door to door” Evangelism (the distance between doors in the bush are further apart.)
Minister in an orphanage.
Training in the following areas:
Children’s Ministry Leadership
Women’s Ministry Leadership
Men’s Ministry Leadership
Deacon Leadership
Medical Clinics